
One month to go
While the big adventure is approaching inescapably, training pressure has increased: Only one more month before I stop and go into pre-chill mode. The daily routine looks about like this: 1) Get up at 06.00 and eat myself through more food than ever before. I got to 78kg so far (from 75 kg); another two kilos I want to add by mid March. 2) Work throughout the day and enjoy the evenings with my family. 3) Go out to train at night, doing on of these three modules a) 2 hours of weight training at the gym, focussing on legs and torso b) 1-2 hours of endurance at the gym, using kind of a skywalker device c) 2-3 hours of outdoor trekking using the original equipment as much as I can. 4) 24.00 Go to bed, rest.
Sounds great Gregory! There's nothing better than a clear focus on goal that drives you to cope with these multiple challenges of a thorough preparations. Some nagging doubts are part of this as well, but you know it: That journey is nothing anybody could take away from you. Keep it up!
High-5 Dani
Friday, February 24, 2012 - 22:18
You bet - and even it has to be the airport's shabby Sbux...! Looging forward to it. DH
Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 20:52