


Day 15: From Inverdoorn to Wellington

Posted by Gregory Gerhardt

I was flying! Started at the Inverdoorn Game Reserve. A beautiful and crispy morning - all layers on, including cap and gloves; No headwind, few gravel roads and lots of downhill. Left the Karoo towards Ceres (quick breakfast at Wimpy's) and down to Wellington. The landscape changed rapidly from semi-desert to lush and green, from sheeps to cows and bushes to fruit trees and grass. Arrived after 10 hours on the road. Just enough time to enjoy the beautiful sunset and a little wine tasting at the Bovlei Valley Retreat. Tomorrow Cape Town!


Awesome pics, Greg! Watch out for those poisonous rhino horns. Trek on!
Andrew (not verified)
Opted for elephant tusks and tiger penises instead ;)
Gregory Gerhardt
Hi Greg, wünsche dir einen guten Endspurt. Zu Bild 13: ist das nicht etwas weit ausserhalb für Amazee Labs? #spacetolet Go Greg go
Samuel (not verified)
Hey Sam, ein bisschen weit, aber fast nicht rennovationsbedürftig.
Gregory Gerhardt
Hab natürlich zuerst grad mal "Space toilet" gelesen (nach all den Fudis und Fugyus ;-) ). Lass die Reifen qualmen auf den letzten Metern!
Luci (not verified)
Luci, leider haben nur noch die Oberschenkel gequalmt. Die totale Übersäuerung.
Gregory Gerhardt
Wheelie durchs Ziel! Wünsch e gueti letschti Etappe!
Claudio (not verified)
Thanks Claudio, zwei gueti Wuche Sport gsi. Dr Sportlehrer ka stolz si. See you soon, Wohnigsiweihig oder so. Gregge
Gregory Gerhardt
Hi Greg I am impressed to see you still wearing your moonboot and is almost there . I think it is the injection I gave you in the bum that gave you the voomaaaaa from Sally in Kimberley
Anonymous (not verified)
Sally, you see, I'm an obedient patient. Your injection did wonders - I was basically flying to Cape Town in the sky with diamonds :)
Gregory Gerhardt

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