


Day 7: Hoopstad to Kimberley

Posted by Gregory Gerhardt

Departed from Karl & Lotti's B&B at 03.30am. Right out of Hoopstad I stumbled upon a drunkie peacefully snoring away on a 100km/h road. After five minutes the local police turned up and threw him into their vehicle like a bag of potatoes - Sunday morning routine I guess. Walked on for 20 kilometers when my left ankle started to give me serious problems again, increasing, third day in a row. Average speed dropped to about 4km/h, whereas 5 would be required to meet my schedule. Dania picked me up and drove me to Kimberley. Doctor du Plessis'  diagnosis after 350 km of walking: Ligament rupture on the left ankle. Received my usual but injection and kind of a plastic moonboot to keep things fixated - walking prohibited. But I have a plan B, let me tell you tomorrow. Good night and thanks again for all your comments.


Oh nein Grege, ligament ankle rupture, nidde guet. Dann schön schonen jetzt. Hoffe dein Plan B ist weniger auf Verschleiss ausgerichtet. Ja nicht einbeinig weiterhūpfen, gäll. Vielleicht Armdrūckwoche mit dem Arzt? Bin gespannt... Frede.
Frederic (not verified)
Fregel, Armdrücken mit dem Arzt wäre der ultimative Verschleiss gewesen; Arme so gross wie Baumstämme. Hat vor mir noch die Unfallopfer von drei (!) Verkehrsunfällen notbehandelt. Feiner Typ, als Farmer-Sohn in der Nähe von Hoopstad aufgewachsen.
Gregory Gerhardt
Ouuh, that stinks. Chin up, Greg! Looking forward to Plan B!
Mmmatze (not verified)
Matze, I'm doing the industrial evolution thing. Got on to the bicycle yesterday and felt like I was riding a rocket! Walking is so primitive. Probably going to arrive in Cape Town with solar driven gyrocopter.
Gregory Gerhardt
Wenn der Morgen kommt in voller Wucht. Dein Koerper leidet an deiner Sucht. Dein Ruecken schmerzt, die Beine Zitter. Dein willen Dich straft mit Gedankengewitter. Dein Geist Dich treibt zum neuen Ort. Dein Zweifel wirf ueber Bord. Steh auf nimm Dein Leben und geht gemeinsam an den neune Ort. Ich sende Dir viel kraft und willen zu Deinem Gelingen.
Matthias Leitst... (not verified)
Leitstelle von Gfr. Gerhardt: Wenn die Soldatenromantik von dir stammt, unterzeichnen wir in Kapstadt gleich einen Agenturvertrag. Die Prosa könnten wir in Schweizer Kasernen locker verschachern. Semper Fideles.
Gregory Gerhardt
Oh my goodness Greg, you're in a boot?! I'm so sorry! :( And is that long, stick-looking thing seriously a BUG? Terrifying. Good luck & well wishes!
Kathryn (not verified)
Ach, don't worry about that boot. It feels exactly the same as wearing a ski boot, - no problem for a Swiss. Regarding that worm: Lots of cool creepy crawlies down here. Saw snakes, spiders (big and fast) and other form of beetles and hybrids. A biologist's paradise. Not to mention all the birds, deer etc. You're never alone in Africa :)
Gregory Gerhardt
Really sad to hear the the terrible news re the ligament. Eager to hear plan B - speculation has already started - will it involve the attachment to wheels to the boot! You have done so well so far, whatever plan B involves we all think you are great! Love from the Scotch xoxox
Tom Gerhardt (not verified)
Hey Tom, no worries. Plan B is in full preparation. Cycling goes almost without pain. Plan C would have been two moon boots with off-road wheels, something tractor like. Big hug, x, Greg
Gregory Gerhardt
Hey Greg, you are doing quite well. Take good care of your ligaments. The special edition of the moon boots are indeed with off-road wheels, but there is, and only for a very limited time, a 'Nachbrenner' as an option ... Do well, hugs, Tom
Tom (not verified)
Bummer dude. Funky new footwear though. Got a job for you when ur back though - need a whole new workshop.. Hope plan B works out. All rooting for you here at ABB.
Mark (not verified)
Mark, Johannesburg and surroundings (mines) was full of high voltage systems. Even saw an ABB truck rush by, felt like home from home. Looks like you've got your foot in down here.
Gregory Gerhardt
Just checking in at this late hour to see that you are still making progess in spite of the obstacles. Onwards and upwards. Looking forward to the next plan.Ingrid
Ingrid (not verified)
Plan B established, onwards and upwards :) xo Greg
Gregory Gerhardt
Hey Greg, you got a great plan B -- go for it. You have our support. Look forward to several beers when you'r back!! Big hug, T.
Tom (not verified)

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